Need advice on Headstones?
Pollard Memorials are a family run business who offer FREE, impartial advice on
all aspects of memorialisation. Email for a FREE colour brochure
Kerb Stones
Traditional surrounds, which cover the whole grave and
come in many colours, materials and designs. Fixed onto an all-in-one plinth,
the stability and safety is guaranteed. The inside can be filled in with
chippings, or left open for planting. Although not available in all cemeteries,
they are very popular where they are allowed. Some cemeteries have specific
areas for kerb surrounds. Pollard Memorials can advise you of what is allowed
in your cemetery.
Memorials for Cemeteries
Most Cemeteries allow any natural stone such as Granite,
Marble, Sandstone and Limestone, but often stipulate a maximum size that is
allowed in the Cemetery.
We can help you with the regulations regarding your
local Cemetery, and help you choose a stone that best suits your
Some people require low maintenance, others a specific
colour of material, or an etched or carved ornament. With our years of
experience we can guide you as to the best material, size and shape to give you
the best outcome. A FREE print-out can help you see how the finished stone will
look, and anything can be changed at that stage, until you are happy that the
memorial is to your liking.
E-mail or call today for a free colour brochure and
price list.
Memorials for Churchyards
Many Churchyards now have regulations which restrict what is allowed within
the burial ground. Many will not allow Granite, or have stipulations regarding
materials. We can help you with the regulations regarding your local Church,
and we have a brochure specifically for churchyards in general. This will help
you choose a stone that is in keeping with the Church surroundings, but will
still look beautiful for years to come.
E-mail or call today for a free colour brochure and
price list.
Memorials for Children
Memorials for children are very emotive and difficult to choose. Many masons
do not have a brochure specifically for Children, and therefore it is
especially hard if you cannot see what is available. In our children's brochure
there are many designs and ornaments that reflect a young life, from
traditional teddies, trains and cherubs, to cartoon characters and special 'one
off' requests.
Cemeteries often have regulations specific to children's plots, and we can
help you with what is allowed, and how best to go about finding the right
memorial for your needs.
E-mail or call today for a free colour brochure and
price list.
Cremation Memorials
Memorials for Cremation plots tend to be smaller than headstones, and what
is allowed varies greatly from Cemetery to Cemetery and Churchyard to
From Desk Memorials, to Small Headstones and Flat Tablets, we can advise you
on what will be allowed, and the best type of memorial for your needs.
E-mail or call
today for a free colour brochure and price list.
Here for a Free
or email: team@pollardmemorials.co.uk
326 Kenilworth Road